— bridge name
/ — broadcast domain
— router count
— VPN protocol
— tunnel id seed
— address pool
— reserved pool
— password seed
— new router

* Tiklan is available on github

* This app makes broadcast domains between Mikrotik routers
* Minimum requirements: 2 routers + 1 public ip address
* You can use a default configuration from scratch
* Just correct public ip addresses
* In the end you get "TikLAN" bridge
* Test it, add ports, enjoy!

* Contact — deem@deem.ru

— router name
— public address
— router path cost
/ — local range
— LAN address
— VPN address
— DHCP pool
# Bridge (Tik-01)
interface bridge add name="TikLAN" comment="TikLAN" protocol-mode=none mtu=1500
ip address add address= interface="TikLAN"
ip route add dst-address= type=unreachable

# OSPF Routes (Tik-01)
routing ospf instance add name="TikLAN" router-id=
routing ospf area add name="TikLAN" instance="TikLAN" area-id=
routing ospf network add network= area="TikLAN"

# DHCP (Tik-01)
ip pool add ranges= name="TikLAN (Tik-01) Pool"
ip dhcp-server network add address= gateway= dns-server=
ip dhcp-server add name="TikLAN (Tik-01) DHCP" interface="TikLAN" address-pool="TikLAN (Tik-01) Pool"
ip dhcp-server enable "TikLAN (Tik-01) DHCP"

# Bridge Filters (Tik-01)
interface list add name="TikLAN-Remotes"
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ip dst-address= action=drop
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ipv6 action=drop
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ip ip-protocol=udp src-port=67-68 action=drop

# PPP Server (Tik-01)
interface l2tp-server server set enabled=yes keepalive-timeout=7
ppp secret add name="TikLAN-Tik-02" password="808a5adc_fe354853" profile=default-encryption local-address= remote-address=
ppp secret add name="TikLAN-Tik-03" password="808a5adc_28112db9" profile=default-encryption local-address= remote-address=
interface l2tp-server add name="TikLAN-L2TP-Server-Tik-02" user="TikLAN-Tik-02"
interface l2tp-server add name="TikLAN-L2TP-Server-Tik-03" user="TikLAN-Tik-03"

# OSPF Costs (Tik-01)
routing ospf interface add interface="TikLAN-L2TP-Server-Tik-02" network-type=point-to-point cost=10
routing ospf interface add interface="TikLAN-L2TP-Server-Tik-03" network-type=point-to-point cost=10

# EoIP (Tik-01)
interface eoip add name="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-02" !keepalive remote-address= tunnel-id=51617
interface eoip add name="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-03" !keepalive remote-address= tunnel-id=51618

# EoIP to Bridge (Tik-01)
interface bridge port add bridge="TikLAN" interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-02" horizon=24
interface bridge port add bridge="TikLAN" interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-03" horizon=24

# EoIP Filters (Tik-01)
interface list member add interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-02" list="TikLAN-Remotes"
interface list member add interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-03" list="TikLAN-Remotes"

— router name
— public address
— router path cost
/ — local range
— LAN address
— VPN address
— DHCP pool
# Bridge (Tik-02)
interface bridge add name="TikLAN" comment="TikLAN" protocol-mode=none mtu=1500
ip address add address= interface="TikLAN"
ip route add dst-address= type=unreachable

# OSPF Routes (Tik-02)
routing ospf instance add name="TikLAN" router-id=
routing ospf area add name="TikLAN" instance="TikLAN" area-id=
routing ospf network add network= area="TikLAN"

# DHCP (Tik-02)
ip pool add ranges= name="TikLAN (Tik-02) Pool"
ip dhcp-server network add address= gateway= dns-server=
ip dhcp-server add name="TikLAN (Tik-02) DHCP" interface="TikLAN" address-pool="TikLAN (Tik-02) Pool"
ip dhcp-server enable "TikLAN (Tik-02) DHCP"

# Bridge Filters (Tik-02)
interface list add name="TikLAN-Remotes"
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ip dst-address= action=drop
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ipv6 action=drop
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ip ip-protocol=udp src-port=67-68 action=drop

# PPP Client (Tik-02)
interface l2tp-client add connect-to="Tik-01.sn.mynetname.net" name="TikLAN-L2TP-Client-Tik-01" user="TikLAN-Tik-02" password="808a5adc_fe354853" profile=default-encryption keepalive-timeout=7 disabled=no

# OSPF Costs (Tik-02)
routing ospf interface add interface="TikLAN-L2TP-Client-Tik-01" network-type=point-to-point cost=10

# EoIP (Tik-02)
interface eoip add name="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-01" !keepalive remote-address= tunnel-id=51617
interface eoip add name="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-03" !keepalive remote-address= tunnel-id=51680

# EoIP to Bridge (Tik-02)
interface bridge port add bridge="TikLAN" interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-01" horizon=24
interface bridge port add bridge="TikLAN" interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-03" horizon=24

# EoIP Filters (Tik-02)
interface list member add interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-01" list="TikLAN-Remotes"
interface list member add interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-03" list="TikLAN-Remotes"

— router name
— public address
— router path cost
/ — local range
— LAN address
— VPN address
— DHCP pool
# Bridge (Tik-03)
interface bridge add name="TikLAN" comment="TikLAN" protocol-mode=none mtu=1500
ip address add address= interface="TikLAN"
ip route add dst-address= type=unreachable

# OSPF Routes (Tik-03)
routing ospf instance add name="TikLAN" router-id=
routing ospf area add name="TikLAN" instance="TikLAN" area-id=
routing ospf network add network= area="TikLAN"

# DHCP (Tik-03)
ip pool add ranges= name="TikLAN (Tik-03) Pool"
ip dhcp-server network add address= gateway= dns-server=
ip dhcp-server add name="TikLAN (Tik-03) DHCP" interface="TikLAN" address-pool="TikLAN (Tik-03) Pool"
ip dhcp-server enable "TikLAN (Tik-03) DHCP"

# Bridge Filters (Tik-03)
interface list add name="TikLAN-Remotes"
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ip dst-address= action=drop
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ipv6 action=drop
interface bridge nat add chain=srcnat out-interface-list="TikLAN-Remotes" mac-protocol=ip ip-protocol=udp src-port=67-68 action=drop

# PPP Client (Tik-03)
interface l2tp-client add connect-to="Tik-01.sn.mynetname.net" name="TikLAN-L2TP-Client-Tik-01" user="TikLAN-Tik-03" password="808a5adc_28112db9" profile=default-encryption keepalive-timeout=7 disabled=no

# OSPF Costs (Tik-03)
routing ospf interface add interface="TikLAN-L2TP-Client-Tik-01" network-type=point-to-point cost=10

# EoIP (Tik-03)
interface eoip add name="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-01" !keepalive remote-address= tunnel-id=51618
interface eoip add name="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-02" !keepalive remote-address= tunnel-id=51680

# EoIP to Bridge (Tik-03)
interface bridge port add bridge="TikLAN" interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-01" horizon=24
interface bridge port add bridge="TikLAN" interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-02" horizon=24

# EoIP Filters (Tik-03)
interface list member add interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-01" list="TikLAN-Remotes"
interface list member add interface="TikLAN-EoIP-Tik-02" list="TikLAN-Remotes"
